Monday, August 6, 2007

sick sick sick

I have a stupid sinus infection!! It has been miserable today. I have done everything I can think of to help it drain and quick pulsing in my head but nothing is helping. Good thing sinus infections are NOT contagious. BLAH!! Does anyone know any good tricks?


2-Fold said...

I know a good trick. I can do a summersault forward and backwards. I know I am amazing. Sorry about you being sick, dummer.

Jamie said...

I know it sounds weird, but garlic works the best before the sinus infection gets out of control. Take one with every meal, then right before you go to bed. Garlic is a natural anti-biotic.
"Don't kiss your honey
When you nose is runny
You may think it's funny
but it'S-NOT."
Beau comes home soon.....:D

Anonymous said...

sinus infections are contagious, believe it or not! there is garlic pills in the cupboard next to the vitamin C and the echinacea.

jess said...

i'm saying go to a doctor... freak show or a witch doctor so you can be happy and feeling well when beau comes home. AND i think you need to go to the game with us sat night so you're not circling the airport for 5 hours polluting the earth in your anxious state waiting for beau to get in. pray about it.