Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Goin' to the Temple and we're gonna get married!

When we passed through the front desk the guy in charge of checking our reccomends grabbed my hands and he looked at Beau and said "You love her every day of your life and you love him...I have been married 60 years and the only advice I can give you is Love." I almost cried!! We went in and signed our licences and then got taken back. As I was getting ready in the Brides room my best friend showed up, she was my escort, and took care of me. I love her so much it is crazy. She is my sister. The ceremony was beautiful. Our sealer was hilarious and kind. I honestly can't think of it going any other way. I cried a lot...a lot lot lot...and then it was over.

When we came out of the temple to meet everyone I was so excited! It was raining and beautiful outside. I don't think we could have asked for a better day to get married than this. I have heard that it is good luck to get married on a rainy day, I have no idea why but I'll take all the luck I can get. I loved seeing all our family, minus some of mine, and friends gathered around. Our Photographer was FABULOUS! She seriously made me laugh and smile AND Beau was completely natural around her which apparently isn't that easy for him when getting his picture taken. Here are a couple of pictures taken with my camera. I am getting our pictures back today so when I do I will post.

Okay, seriously, this was the most perfect day ever. I never imagined that I would be so head over heals in love with someone and get to actual spend eterenity with them. How lucky am I? More about the reception later!!!

Day Before THE DAY!!

Alright the blogs have been a long time in the making but I finally have a minute to write. So the day before the wedding was a wonderful day. I went to salt lake and got to spend time with my fabulous sister Marisa and my mother. It was so great. We went shopping and to a spa and I got my nails done and blah blah blah. All that great night before wedding stuff. It was awesome just to be with my family. That night all my brothers and my sister, minus natalie, got together to eat downtown. I laughed and laughed. It was wonderful. I love my siblings and my mother. The waitress was so sweet and she gave me free dessert for getting married. HOORAY the wedding perks just keep coming :D. That night my best friend came to visit me at the hotel we were staying at and we stayed up with my sister and mom watching America's Funniest Videos. hahahah....anyway long story short I finally went to bed. The next day was the best day of my life...minus a few bumps in the road. In the morning I woke up very early and my sister Marisa and I went to sit in the hot tub for a while. It was great!! I hung out all morning until my friend Lindsey came to do my hair. By this point I was getting rather nervous because I hadn't seen Beau in 24 hours and I missed him like crazy. So while she was doing my hair I was chatting away about stuff when there was a knock on our hotel room door and so I jumped up to open it was my LOVE! He looked so handsome in his church clothes. I immediatly calmed right down and knew that this is the person I wanted to spend eternity with. I know people think it is bad luck to see the bride before the wedding but, it was good luck for me. My darling beau and I finished getting ready and we rushed to the car. This is where the few bumps come along. Beau gets really stressed out when he is driving and there is a lot of traffic. Imagine downtown Salt Lake on conference weekend. Goodness. So we were driving trying to find parking at the temple, which was near impossible, and then we almost got into a wreck. I was freaking out at this point which wasn't helping the situation and so finally I told Beau that if he didn't stop the car and let me drive I was not going to be going to the temple with him that day. Needless to say he stopped and let me drive. I found a parking spot right away, I was much more calm than he was, and we RAN to the temple wedding dress and all. We were late of course but that didn't matter we were finally there. What a BEAUTIFUL feeling that came over me the minute they let us in those doors...continued on next blog.