I just realized that my last post made it seem like I can't stand my oldest daughter. So I thought I would update everyone on our first born and let you know that she is my life. It's true when they tell you that love comes with time. I could not imagine my every day without Gracie. In fact, if she goes somewhere with Beau and I stay home, I miss her like crazy. Yes, she drives me nuts, she doesn't listen, she hits her baby sister, she cries and yells, she ends up in time out more times than not, but, she is mine. She also gives hugs, kisses, says the goofiest things, calls me "mommy" which I LOVE, she dances, makes me smile, makes me laugh, loves to be with me, is my best friend, and is the sweetest girl I know. Gracie is so smart. She loves to talk and is learning new words every day. She will repeat any word we ask her to, which is amazing, and she loves to say new things. Gracie also is such a good helper. She will help me pick up toys and if she sees clothes on the floor she knows where the hamper is and loves to put things in it. Her favorite movie right now is A Charlie Brown Christmas and will ask to watch "Brown Brown" all day. In fact, I don't even like that movie anymore because we watch it about 15 times a day....I am not exaggerating...At least it's a good show right?? Gracie is fascinated right now with the box that our Christmas tree came in. She plays in that for a good solid hour. As we are getting more used to having the baby here with us during the day, Gracie and I are getting along better. I know that sounds weird but, she was having serious issues with me when we brought Evie home. Since the baby naps most of the day, I get my alone time with my Beautiful Girl and she loves it as much as I do. We watch movies, color, dance, eat lunch, read stories, rock in the chair, than go down for naps. I have seen a change the last couple of days in her and in my patience with her now that we are more on a routine. I love my Gracie Leigh.
Evie is doing well. She eats constantly and is growing like a weed. The poor thing got the cold that Gracie had and is so congested that eating is really hard for her right now :( We squeegy her nose, put her in the bathroom with steam, use a humidifier, nurse extra, etc...but, she is still so clogged. I hate when babies get sick it makes me so sad. She is the sweetest baby still though. She has issues if I eat cheese, milk, chocolate, beans, broccoli, or garlic. Though, she does better with handling the gas than Gracie did. She cries and then stops and then cries a little than stops. Eventually she gets tired of crying and falls asleep. I love to look at her and listen to her coo. She will just sit and stare. Evie generally wakes up right after Gracie goes down for her nap so I get some alone time with her too. She is so beautiful. There is nothing sweeter than a new baby starting to be aware of her surroundings. She is perfect. I am taking her newborn pictures today so I will post pictures soon.
I have been feeling better. I think the pains after my second were harder to deal with than after the first but, I am finally starting to get better. I am not so scared of two kids now so that is good since I am home with them all by myself every day. It's a process but I'm so grateful that I get to be a mother. I love my girls. They are my purpose on this earth. I can't imagine my life without these two beings. If the only thing I accomplish in this short life I get is to successfully raise my girls and make sure they know how completely I love and adore them, than I will have lead a good life.
You do have beautiful girls. Gracie will always be the number one granddaughter. She is so much fun to have around.
Right after I had Soleil, it seemed like Noelle was just being so naughty all the time and that we were constantly having to discipline her and do time outs and she was always having a fit. Then I realized it wasn't her, it was us. We were tired and our patience was always gone in a flash. Poor girl put up with us like that for weeks before I realized what we were doing and we remembered what life is all about. Fortunately, these children who are our lives are very forgiving :) most of the time I prob don't fully deserve it, but I'm grateful every day for how easily Noelle forgives me.
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