Today, my darling, you are nine months old. Where did the time go? You are getting so big and I can't seem to stop time from moving. I have now almost had you in my arms as longs as I had you in my belly :) What a precious blessing you have been in our lives. At nine months you have many things you like to do.
- stand
-crawl super fast
-eat all foods....and lots of it! I think you must have a hollow leg because I don't know where you put the food.
-grab fists full of cheerios and stuff them in your mouth until your cheeks are bulging.
-laugh- you are so silly all the time
-crawl away when momma comes to get you
-put everything in your mouth
-smile so big whenever anyone is around
-clap your hands
-read stories-well I guess I should say you like to EAT stories...we never get through a story before the book is in your mouth
-play with kids your size
-watch the dog play catch- you think he is so silly
-sit with mom
-be tickled by daddy
-talk all day long- words you can say "no" "momma" "dadada" and then lots of blabble
-playing peek-a-boo- in fact, you will play peek-a-boo with anyone around, including the dog.
-give momma kisses
You don't really like taking naps and you still aren't a fan of the car seat. Ahh well, maybe when we can turn you around you will love it.
Milestones as of 10/11/2010- you took your first THREE steps today without anyone holding onto you or helping at all. You just stood up and walked. You amaze me every day my darling child.
i love this. gracie is such a doll, you are so lucky! and you are just the perfect mom for her. i love reading about your lives together!! i miss your guts :)
Wow, nine months old! She just keep on getting cuter and cuter too.
She is personality plus! We love her so much!
adorable girl you have.
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