We have finally moved up to Logan and somewhat got settled...not really but I will pretend :) We LOVE the house we are living in. It has two bedrooms, sitting room, living room, kitchen, bathroom, and an office. We are so happy with the amount of space we have compared to the tiny apartment we lived in for a year. We also have a washer and dryer, fruit room, storage space, and an entire garden just to ourselves. We are ecstatic.
Today as I was unpacking the kitchen we decided that Gracie needed to get outside and be with papa and so we loaded her in the backpack and she helped daddy mow the lawn.
It was tough work. So tough in fact she fell asleep in the middle of all the work leaving daddy to do it on his own.
After she woke up I was still not even close to done unpacking the kitchen so we loaded her up in her exer-saucer and made an umbrella stand out of our tomato planter. She was outside all day and she had a ball. I am so glad that she is able to play outside and not freak out.
Beau is working for a construction company that he really likes. They are nice guys that pay him pretty good and will work with his schedule. Hopefully he can stay on with them, that is if they get another house to work on, and then he won't be out of a job again.
Gracie is almost five months so I wanted to list some stats:
-she loves to roll all over the place
-she can army crawl pretty good
-she laughs so loud and if you get her going she will just keep going
-she babbles all the time, she just has so much to say!
-she makes momma smile until her face hurts and laugh until she cries
-she goes crazy in her bouncer
-she is very independent and likes to do things her way
-does no like rice cereal...dang it
-but does love to eat all the time!
-has finally started falling asleep in the car (hallelujah)
I am totally in love with our daughter. Sometimes I can't think I could love her any more than I already do and then, I do! I miss her when she is sleeping and will find myself watching her while she sleeps. She is my best friend and I am so blessed that I get to spend so much time with her.
So happy that you found a place to live. The house looks darling! It looks like Craig and my first house. Built about 1930?
That is the cutest picture of Gracie with her little hat! She is getting so big and cuter every day!
Looking forward to seeing you at the reunion.
Love Aunt Tammy
I miss you guys and being able to just sit and watch Gracie. She makes me smile.
She is a beautiful granddaughter. You are certainly blessed with a precious daughter.
love, love, love it! I love logan and everthing about it. I would up there if Jared told me I was not living there and i was marrying him. I loved that she mowed the lawn how cute. Maybe we can come up for a sunday dinner sometime.
love the mechams! Jared and ellie.
I LOVE your new house! I want to go live there...
sweet lil thing! keep on posting! i love the house and all the extras!
I love Gracie!
CUTE Pictures
I think your house is charming. My sister would be so jealous. She loves those kinds of places. Oh, and you made one cute baby :)
Very cute house. I love older homes like that. So much charm and character. And Gracie gets cuter every day. What a sweetheart. I'm so happy for you guys.
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